
Transition back to school – top tips from our foster carers

With summer behind us and back to school now in sight, this time of year can be extremely anxious for children and young people, so we have put together some top tips from Torfaen Foster Carers to help young people on managing the transition from summer holidays to back to school as smoothly as possible.

Build a predictable routine

One top tip from a Torfaen foster carer on managing the transition back to school suggests Start to get the child back into a routine a week before the new term is due to commence – do the school run in the car prior to starting to make the child familiar with the routine”. Routines not only give children a sense of security, but also help to develop self-discipline. The unknown of going back to school and starting a new school year can be daunting, why not help to combat this by developing a familiar routine?


“Using a red Sharpie, I would draw a little red heart in the palm of their hand and do the same on mine, we would then touch palms. Then in school if they were feeling uneasy, I suggested they rub this little heart and I would feel it in mine. This reassured them that I was thinking of them”. Kids needs to feel supported and encouraged, no matter how trivial their concerns or fears may seem. Knowing that their foster parent is there for them and willing to listen is so important during this difficult transition.

Get organised

Another tip for a Torfaen Foster Carer is to “Check with your social worker about any transport issues or apply for bus tickets/pass etc. if required in plenty of time so as to avoid any issues”. Don’t leave things until the last minute, reach out to your social worker for help and support such as PDG grants for uniforms. Have supplies ready prior to the first day of school such as stationery and uniforms so that your child doesn’t feel anxious or worried.

Revive sleep routine

“Having the right amount of sleep by sleeping at a sensible time”. Parents know that quality sleep is essential to their child’s success at school. With quality sleep, children have improved mood and ability to focus. Sleep is also essential for forming and retaining memories – an important part of learning.

two teenage boys in Torfaen in school uniform managing the transition back to school

Story Time

Stories From Our Carers

Woman and young girl using computer to make video call

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